This Creative Habit

The Party is in Full Swing. Come join us!

January 15, 2023

What party is this? The latest project from little ol’ me, Sage. The Sage Arts podcast is more than up and running… I have 6 episodes ready on your favorite podcast player (New to Podcasts? Click here to find out how easy it is to enjoy them!) and more in the works as I speak.…

Apologies, Transformations, and a Podcast

December 18, 2022

I have a quick question… Have you missed me? Okay, that’s not my real question. I apologize for being absent for so long. I do have good reasons for that though and, in the end, good things have come from my absence. At least I hope you will think so. But let me pose the…

The Artist’s Sacrifice

June 18, 2022

What do you think of this statement?: There is more to life than being an artist. Do you agree? I’m betting you do. The answer is rather reflexive, logical. You know all about that work-life balance thing and the necessity of feeding your creativity with novel experiences. But even as you agree, is there not…

Of Priorities and Serendipity

May 21, 2022

My apologies for not writing as often this last month or so. It’s been a question of priorities, although I still sit down and scribble out my thoughts for you. It’s just that I don’t always finish the post because life keeps calling me to do other things. Prioritizing is an area of living a…

Lean Into Your Heart

April 23, 2022

Don’t be different just for different’s sake. If you see it differently, function that way. Follow your own muse, always. —Morgan Freeman I think we all have felt the pressure to make our work stand out. It feels like it will be impossible to be noticed, to get those sales, be published, book those shows,…

Embrace Your Ignorance

March 26, 2022

Do you remember line about reaching the end of the internet, as if it was finite? That’s how I feel about the knowledge of most any topic. There isn’t an end, no finite amount of knowledge you can gain on any one subject. Especially when it comes to creative endeavors. Let me try to illustrate…

Going Rough and Tumble

February 19, 2022

I’ve always been a little envious of people who create without a lot of focus on refinement. They create without thinking about it too much, reveling in the process, maybe working a bit haphazardly but almost always with immense joy. I, on the other hand, want everything to come out of me perfectly formed. It’s…

For the Joy of It

February 6, 2022

Two of the biggest joy killers for creative work have got to be self-criticism and striving for perfection. So the question is, why are we being so critical of our work and why do we feel the need for it to be perfect? I think they both come down to some version of worrying about…

Who Do You Create For?

January 22, 2022

Who do you create for? You or your audience? As creatives, we may often feel we need to choose one or the other, that what we want to create and what will sell or get the attention we need is not the same thing. Today though, I’d like to get you to think of creating…

Why Do It?

January 9, 2022

We just started a new year, and, of all the holidays, I think this one is the most reflective. Most people consider their possible New Year’s resolutions or goals. Some people even follow through on them. Although creating goals is fantastic and I highly encourage it, I think every attempted goal making should really start…